If you buy this phone on amazon or anywhere else for the $1000+ price tag, your just a fool. This phone is great, but only slightly better than the 4S which also runs ios6. The iPhone 5 has a bigger screen which is useful, a slightly better processing chip, and that's about it. If you don't own an iphone, getting a 4 or 4S is a better deal since will cost you like 40% less but is only like 10% inferior to the iphone 5.
I've owned the iPhone 4,Samsung Galaxy S3, and have tried the HTC Evo and Samsung Note, and was weary to upgrade to the iPhone 5. Apple delivered, but some say they delivered to little and I agree.The price is stupidly high and the larger screen size was not reason alone for me to upgrade, but Once I picked it up it fit perfectly in my hand and just felt right. Unlike my iPhone 4 which I though was a bit small (hence why I bought S3) this really gives the S3 a run for its money.
I went to Apple store thinking of exchanging another phone, so I brought the 4 and Note 2 with me just showing them I got issue with signal, not that I want something "new in the box" for re-sales or anything. They told me it's a known issue and all the phone would be the same. We did a test. 5 Apple staff carried 5 iPhone 5 and me stepping out of the store. We all stood like 3-4 stores from the Apple store. Guess what? None of their iPhone 5 got any wi-fi signal nor the 4G works.
My headline pretty much sums up my review. This IS a great phone. Don't get me wrong. The 2-star rating isn't because it's a bad phone. It's because Apple basically did nothing to upgrade the 4S other than making it a pubic hair faster and re-designing it a bit to be slightly longer and lighter. That's it. The 4S is a great phone, the iPhone 5 is also great, but maybe, what, 2% better than the 4S? It's not worth it to upgrade, unless you have an iPhone 3 or something.